Sunday 3 April 2011


The 2011 disaster in Japan has brought up the nuclear energy debate which follows in line with the oil debate brought up last year with the BP catastrophe.

As we keep growing as a society, the strain on natural resources increases and catastrophes like the one in the Gulf of Mexico and Fukushima seem inevitable.

Let's talk about Fukushima.

Even thought the probabilities of a disaster where low, they were there. We've all been told, if you play with fire, you will get burned....and well yes, if you play with nukes, you'll get nuked. I mean, even though the probabilities were low, the number of nuclear reactors around the world keeps growing, the quantities of radioactive matter keeps increasing and when you do 2 + 2 = BOOM! Something is gonna happen somewhere.

Same goes for the oil.

Now if we keep going in this direction, we're going to explode. I mean, it's just so obvious we've become an infection on this earth, when you look at cities on Google Maps (Satellite View) it looks like a colony of bacteria. The earth is sick folks and the only solution in my opinion is de-growth. Less consumption, more quality time, more time spent with our loved ones, more time spent on our relationships, less time working, more self sustainable, happier, less war, let catastrophes, better air to breath, better water to drink, more space to build your home or make a garden, etc....

I was listening to Obama's speech in Chile the other day and he was still talking about GDP and how we want to grow grow grow grow.....Now I thought he was smart, and he probably is.....but has no choice but to say that. Anyway, continuous exponential growth is impossible. If you look at an exponential curve it just keeps growing faster and jumps up to infinity in no time, this is nuts, it's unreal and it only exists in abstract mathematics, not in real life. There is no such thing as infinite resources, there is no such thing as an infinite planet.

De-grow to grow... 

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